About Me

My name is Emmet Golden-Marx. As the title of this blog implies, I am an Astronomer currently living in Beijing. I am a Shui Mu Fellow and Astrophysics postdoc at Tsinghua University working with Prof. Zheng Cai. My work focuses on studying high-redshift (early universe) galaxy clusters and protoclusters and characterizing the role of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) in cluster evolution. I’m originally from Saratoga Springs, NY. I did my undergraduate work at Brown University, where I majored in Physics, and then did my graduate work at Boston University. At BU, I worked with Prof. Elizabeth Blanton studying high-redshift galaxy clusters hosting bent, double-lobed radio sources as part of the Clusters Occupied by Bent Radio AGN (COBRA) survey. I’m an observational astronomer and I’ll be using the skills I learned at BU to continue studying high-redshift clusters and protoclusters as a postdoc. Beyond Astronomy, I’m also a huge manga, anime, and comics fan (as well as an art lover in general), so a large portion of this blog will involve pictures of street art, pop culture, and Anime here in Beijing. If you have any questions for me, please feel free to reach out!
